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Anejiru The Animation: Shirakawa Sanshimai ni Omakase Subtitle Indonesia

For some reason, Shirakawa Yu has been living with his grandparents, but he is supposed to live with his mother after an interval of more than ten years with her new husband, that is, his father-in-law. There, his sisters-in-law, Shirakaw Kyoko, Ryoko and Anzu, who have grown to be very beautiful women, are waiting for him. The sisters welcome him, and let him use the room of their father who is always absent because of his archaeological studies. In the room, he finds a queer jar. It is a cursed jar that will cast upon him the worst of curses unless he collects women’s love juices within a limited period of time.
Episode #Release Date
- Anejiru The Animation: Shirakawa Sanshimai ni Omakase Eps.1 Nov 03, 2017
- Anejiru The Animation: Shirakawa Sanshimai ni Omakase Eps.2 Nov 03, 2017
- Anejiru the Animation MIX Eps.1 Nov 03, 2017