You're on the Gold Throbber Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Gold Throbber Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Gold Throbber Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Gold Throbber. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Gold Throbber Episodes.

Gold Throbber Subtitle Indonesia


Yuji is a young businessman with a penchant for groping women on the train. Unfortunately, he’s really bad at it… His hobby is about to land him friendless, homeless, and probably behind bars. Enter the dashing hero, Kazuo, the man with the Golden Touch, any woman he touches turns to be horny! Touched by Yuji’s plight, Kazuo takes him under his wing and teaches him to score with any woman, anywhere, anyhow.

Reminders: If download link doesn't work, make sure to try another download link. Gold Throbber English Subbed.
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