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Hatsu Inu The Animation Subtitle Indonesia

By chance, Fukaya became the lover of a very quiet and beautiful girl, Fujino, yet he worries about the vibrator she’s always carrying. “Perhaps, she considers me no more fondly than that vibrator?” In fact, their relationship began when he found her using a vibrator aboard a crowded train. Although they have passionate sex, he can’t be certain that she loves him, and feels threatened by her vibrator. Now, the two of them are going to a pool. As she will be unable to use the vibrator in the water, he expects they will be alone, but…
- Other Titles Hatsu Inu The Animation
- Episodes 2
- Status Completed
- Genres Anal, Chikan, Dildos - Vibrators, Female Students, Gangbang, Large Breasts, Masturbation, Pink Pineapple, Romance, School Life, Swimsuit, Virgins
- Viewer
Episode #Release Date
- Hatsu Inu The Animation Eps.1 Nov 16, 2017
- Hatsu Inu The Animation Eps.2 Nov 16, 2017