You're on the Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio Episodes.
Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio Subtitle Indonesia

A rumor spreads among young people that if a person gets on “that” train, he/she will disappear…. Most of them don’t believe it, but it exists…. It’s called Michishio. Michishio was invented to train young girls and make them sex slaves. At first sight, the train is completely the same as a normal train. However, it shows its true self once in a few months. The girls who get on the train are severely trained and become sex slaves…. Seiji is a train conductor. He can do whatever he wants to the girls on the train since he has a special training ability. And another Michishio now departs….
- Other Titles
- Episodes 2
- Status Completed
- Genres BigBreasts, Bondage, Domination, Rape
- Viewer
Episode #Release Date
- Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio Episode 01 May 08, 2018
- Kanin Tokkyuu Michi Shio Episode 02 May 08, 2018