You're on the Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Koakuma Kanojo The Animation. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episodes.
Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Subtitle Indonesia

There’s a rumor about a DVD that curses anyone who watches it. Though no one seems to believe in the curse few are brave enough to see what’s on the DVD…
Akuno Mika watches the DVD… and gets transformed into a succubus. She tries to keep the change a secret but loses control when her crush Kazuya approaches her…
Later, Kana agrees to watch the DVD after two of her friends ask her. As a result of the curse she grows something regular women don’t have. Her sister Mai tries to help her get back to normal, but the two get more than they bargained for…
- Other Titles Koakuma Kanojo The Animation
- Episodes 2
- Status Completed
- Genres Big Breast, Demon girl, Doggy Style, Female Student, Female Students, Futanari, Large Breasts, Magic, Masturbation, Nympho, Paizuri, Pink Pineapple, Rape, School Life, Succubus, Supernatural, Tsundere, Virgin, Yuri
- Viewer
Episode #Release Date
- Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Eps.1 Nov 21, 2017
- Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Eps.2 Nov 21, 2017