You're on the Shabura Rental: Ecchi na Oneesan to no Eroero Rental Obenkyou The Animation Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Shabura Rental: Ecchi na Oneesan to no Eroero Rental Obenkyou The Animation Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Shabura Rental: Ecchi na Oneesan to no Eroero Rental Obenkyou The Animation Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Shabura Rental: Ecchi na Oneesan to no Eroero Rental Obenkyou The Animation. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Shabura Rental: Ecchi na Oneesan to no Eroero Rental Obenkyou The Animation Episodes.
Shabura Rental: Ecchi na Oneesan to no Eroero Rental Obenkyou The Animation Subtitle Indonesia

After the private lodge Suuichi planned to study at for his summer break burns down; from a meteorite strike, he takes up the offer from his sister(Nanami) to stay with her in the dorms over summer break. While in the bath with his sister he is caught by three other female inhabitants of the dorms and is subsequently taught “lessons” by each of them, partially in part to agreeing to call each of them “nee-chan”.
Episode #Release Date
- Shabura Rental Eps.1 Jan 06, 2018