You're on the The Story of Little Monica Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download The Story of Little Monica Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality The Story of Little Monica Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download The Story of Little Monica. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of The Story of Little Monica Episodes.
The Story of Little Monica Subtitle Indonesia

Will, an orphan originally from Little Monica, a city of culture and arts, returns to a place he hasn’t been in since his childhood to contribute to it and have a reunion with his childhood friend, Celia. What he doesn’t know is that during his long absence, things have changed for the worse and Little Monica, once a city of high culture has become a capital of degeneration. The question is can Will resist the temptations offered by the city or will he succumb to it. With a little help from Celia and her sisters Tina and Mei, as well Miss Meow, they just might succeed in returning Little Monica to its former glory.
Episode #Release Date
- The Story of Little Monica Eps.1 Jan 08, 2018
- The Story of Little Monica Eps.2 Jan 08, 2018